题 目:Phase transition signatures in the clusterexpansion in fugacities
报告人:Prof.Horst Stoecker (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, FIAS)
时 间:2019年11月1日(周五)14:00
地 点:1-401物理学科会议室
The QCD baryon number density can formally beexpanded into a Laurent series in fugacity, which is a relativisticgeneralization of Mayer's cluster expansion. We determine properties of thecluster expansion in a model with a phase transition and a critical point atfinite baryon density, in which the Fourier coefficients of the expansion canbe determined explicitly and to arbitrary order. The asymptotic behavior ofFourier coefficients changes qualitatively as one traverses the criticaltemperature and it is connected to the branching points of a thermodynamicpotential associated with the phase transition. The results are discussed inthe context of lattice QCD simulations at imaginary chemical potential. Weargue that the location of a branching point closest to the imaginary chemicalpotential axis can be extracted through an analysis of an exponentialsuppression of Fourier coefficients. This is illustrated using the four leadingcoefficients both in a toy model as well as by using recent lattice QCD data.
国际著名的理论核物理学家,欧洲科学院院士、欧洲物理学会(European Physical Society)会士,德国科学院院士、法兰克福高等研院(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, FIAS)执行理事会成员及高级研究员、法兰克福大学(Goethe-UniversitätFrankfurt)教授,俄罗斯科学院荣誉博士。曾担任德国重离子物理研究所长、法兰克福大学副校长、德国亥姆霍兹国家研究中心联合会副主席、中国科学技术大学讲座教授、华中师范大学荣誉教授、华体会app官网(中国)集团有限公司荣誉教授。在原子核物理领域有超过40年的研究经历,已发表超过600篇论文、总引用次数超过四万余次、总引用次数进入世界所有科学家的前200行列。出版专著10余本,被翻译成6种语言在世界各地发行。
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