题 目:Theoretical and computational challenges forFAIR and HIAF
报告人:JanSteinheimer (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, FIAS)
时 间:2019年11月1日(周五)15:00
地 点:1-401物理学科会议室
I will discuss important theoretical and computationalchallenges for the upcoming experiments at the FIAR and HIAF facilities. Inparticular I will highlight the role that the collaboration between Huzhouuniversity and FIAS has played in the past and can play in the future. Thetopics I will discuss include the description of fluctuations and correlationsin heavy ion collisions, the importance of sub-threshold production of strangeand charmed particles at FAIR and HIAF as well as the advent of new ML/AI basedmethods for data analysis and interpretation. In addition, I will introducepossible modes of collaboration between FIAS and Huzhou university.
Jan Steinheimer
法兰克福高等研究院研究员,2011年在法兰克福大学获得理论物理博士学位。2012-2013年美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室博士后,2013-2017年德国法兰克福高等研究院博士后。长期致力于重离子碰撞理论研究,在流体动力学、非平衡相变、热密核物质状态方程、深度学习在核物理中的应用等领域有着丰富的研究成果。已在Phys. Rev. Lett., Phys.Lett. B, Phys. Rev. C, Nucl. Phys. A, J. Phys. G等学术刊物上发表SCI论文70余篇。
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