题 目:N=Z nuclei - a laboratory to test neutron proton pair correlations
报告人:Ramon Wyss (Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
时 间:2019年11月4日(周一)9:00-10:00
地 点:1-401物理学科会议室
Pairing correlations in atomic nuclei haveshown to play a crucial role to many properties, in spite of the small effecton the total binding energy. The talk will start with introductory remarks onthe symmetry energy in atomic nuclei, giving a different interpretation fromwhat is found in standard textbooks.
It will then move on to the specificproperties of N=Z nuclei, where neutron and proton occupy near degenerateorbitals.
This specific situation enables twodifferent kind of Cooper pairs to be formed, that either have isospin T=0 andintrinsic spin S=1 or T=1 and S=0. It is shown that both condensates cancoexist and generate a wavefunction that is a coherent superposition of bothcoupling modes. The effect of isospin excitation is then studied and its effecton the pair correlations. A Meissner effect in isospin is the resulting fromthose excitations. The formalism of approximate projection and symmetryrestoration is discussed.
国际著名的理论核物理学家,瑞典皇家工学院教授,北京大学名誉教授,上海交通大学、四川大学客座教授。2002-2016年曾担任瑞典皇家工学院副校长,现任西班牙教育部、中国教育部海外评审专家、芬兰科学院海外评审专家。在原子核物理研究领域的主要贡献是发展了位能面(TotalRouthians (energy) Surface calculations)计算方法,并将其应用于研究原子核高自旋态、原子核形状、对关联,α衰变、质子衰变等,取得了丰硕的研究成果,已发表超过300篇论文、H-factor超过60。
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