题目: Algebraswhose local properties can determine global properties
报告人:Prof. Kaiming Zhao (Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo,Canada)
时 间:2020-06-30 8:00-9:00
地 点:腾讯会议,会议主题:湖州师院代数会议1,https://meeting.tencent.com/s/8uQZmcssnvzY 会议 ID:501 346 041
Abstract: We give a brief introduction to the study of pre-Liealgebras with some recent progress, emphasizing the relationships with othertopics in mathematics and mathematical physics.
报告人简介: 赵开明,加拿大罗瑞尔大学教授、中科院百人计划,主要从事李代数、非交换代数等领域的研究工作,在《 Advancesin Mathematics》《Proceedings of the London Ma thematical Society》《Transactionsof the American Mathematical Society》等杂志发表高水平学术论文100余篇,主持完成3项加拿大研究理事会基金项目和多项国家面上项目,是国际代数学领域有重要影响的专家。
题目:Classification of simple bounded weight modules of the Lie algebra of vectorfields on $/C^n$
报告人: 吕仁才教授 (苏州大学)
时间:2020-06-30 9:00-10:00 地点:腾讯会议
Abstract: This talk is based on the joint work with Dr. YaohuiXue(薛耀辉). Weclassify all simple bounded weight modules of the Lie algebra of vector fieldson $/C^n$.
报告人简介:苏州大学数学科学学院教授,博士生导师,主要从事李代数的研究工作。现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,参与1项。 在《 Advancesin Mathematics》等SCI杂志上发表学术论文20余篇。
题目: Aclass of $/sl_{d+1}$-modules from Witt algebra modules
时间: 2020-06-30 10:00-11:00 地点:腾讯会议
Absrtract:Let $d/ge1$ be an integer, $W_d$ be the Witt algebra. For any admissible $W_d$-module $P$and any $/gl_d$-module $V$, one can form a $/W_d$-module $F(P,V)$, which as avector space is $P/ot V$. Since $W_d$has a natural subalgebra isomorphic to $/sl_{d+1}$, we can view $F(P,V)$ as an$/sl_{d+1}$-module. Taking $P=/Omega(/bf{/lambda})$, the rank-$1$$U(/mathfrak{h})$-free $W_d$-module and $V=V(/bf{a},b)$, the irreduciblecuspidal module over $/gl_d$, we get the special $/sl_{d+1}$-module$/F(/bf{/lambda}, /bf{a},b)=F(/Omega(/bf{/lambda}),V(/bf{a},b))$. We determinethe necessary and sufficient conditions for the $/sl_{d+1}$-module$F(/bf{/lambda};/bf{a},b)$ to be irreducible. And for the reducible case, weconstructed their proper submodules explicitly.
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