Title: The first Hochschild cohomology and Wildness of finite group schemes
时间:2020/10/30 9:30-10:10 腾讯会议:会议号:366428410,密码:123456
Abstract:Let B_0(G) be the principal block algebra of the group algebra kG of an infinitesimal group scheme G. We calculate the restricted Lie algebra structure of the first Hochschild cohomology of L:=H^1(B_0(G), B_0(G))。As a consequence, we obtain a criterion for wildness of kG.
Title: On the finite W-superalgebras associated with minimal nilpotent elements
时间:2020/10/30 10:30-11:10,地点:1-301
Abstract:In this talk we will consider finite W-superalgebras associated with minimal nilpotent elements. We first introduce the explicit generators and their commutators of minimal finite W-superalgebras, and then study the corresponding highest weight modules. This is a joint work with Professor Bin Shu.
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