题目: Lattice structure of modular vertex algebras
时 间:2021年6 月 29日(周二) 上午 10:00-11:00
地 点:1-301
报告摘要:The integral lattice of VOA was constructed by Dong and Griess for finite automorphism group of the VOA. We will show that the general divided powers of vertex operators preserve the integral form spanned by Schur functions indexed by partition-valued functions, which generate an analog of the Kostant-Lusztig Z-form for the lattice VOA. In particular, we show that the Garland operators, counterparts of divided powers of Heisenberg elements in affine Lie algebras, also preserve the integral form. We also study the irreducible modules for the modular lattice vertex algebra.
报告人简介:景乃桓,美国北卡州立大学教授,德国洪堡学者,美国富尔布莱特学者。先后在美国普林斯顿高等研究院,密执安大学,堪萨斯大学和北卡州立大学等地工作或任教。主要在量子群、顶点代数、无限维李代数、代数组合等方面从事研究,在对称函数方面的研究成果被国际上命名为“景氏算子”。在国际数学刊物上发表100多篇论文,编辑著作五部。代表性杂志有:PNAS, Invent.Math., Duke Math. J, Adv. Math.等。
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