报告题目:A Series of Lectures on the Brauer Category of Level m and the Representation Theory of Weakly Triangular Category
报告时间:7月 23日(星期五)10:00—11:00 (Lecture 1), 15:30—16:30 (Lecture 2),
7月24日(星期六)9:30—10:30 (Lecture 3)
报告摘要: This is a series talks on the Brauer category of level m and the representation theory about weakly triangular category. It consists of three lectures:(1) Brauer category of level m; (2) the representation theory about weakly triangular category; (3) the applications of the theories above.
报告人简介:芮和兵,同济大学数学科学学院教授,博士生导师,在Brauer代数以及其它相关代数方面得到了一系列出色的研究成果, 曾获得国家杰出青年基金和上海市自然科学一等奖。
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