

来源:理学院 发布日期:2021-09-22

  报告题目:d-bar approach to Hilbert Nullstellensatz

  报告人:Xiao Jie


  腾讯会议(ID):278 484 840

  报告摘要:Being motivated by the Pythagorean identity \sin^2z+\cos^2z=1 and the Hoermander L^2-solution of \bar{\partial}u=f on the finite complex plane, this talk presents a new extension of Hilbert's Nullstellensatz to square Fock-Sobolev space. This work is joint with Cheng Yuan.

  报告人简介: Professor Xiao's research and teaching interests lie in geometric analysis and partial differential equations. In particular, Professor Xiao works on the interactions between harmonic analysis, complex variables and operator theory, but also applies techniques coming from function spaces and potential theory to the study of conformal-differential geometry and heat equations, Navier-Stokes equations and wave equations.