

来源:理学院 发布日期:2021-10-12

  题目:On connected components of skew group algebras




  摘要:Let A be a basic connected finite dimensional associative algebra over an algebraically closed field k and G be a cyclic group. By Reiten in 1985, there is a quiver Q_G with relations \rho_G such that the skew group algebras A[G] is Morita equivalent to the quotient algebra of path algebra kQ_G/(\rho_G). Generally, the quiver Q_G is not connected. Motivated by Guo's work, in this talk we will show a method to determine the number of connect components of Q_G. Meanwhile, we introduce the notion of weight for underlying quiver of A such that A is G-graded and determine the connect components of smash product A#kG^{*}.This is the joint work with J.Chen and Q.Dong.
