题目: Introduction to mean curvature flow
时间:2023年3月31日(星期五), 14:00-16:00
摘要:Mean curvature flow is a natural evolution equation in extrinsic geometry. In this talk, I will provide an introduction to the mean curvature flow including some basic results on curve shortening flow, self-shrinkers and ancient solutions, and discuss some important conjectures in this field.
李皓昭,男,中国科学技术大学教授,国家高层次青年人才。主要研究方向为几何分析,与他人合作解决二维平均曲率流的延拓猜想和复二维情形卡拉比流的Donaldson猜想等,论文发表在Invent. Math., J. Eur. Math. Soc.,Geom. Func. Anal.等国际知名数学杂志上。
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