题目:A C*-algebra of entire functions
报告人:Kehe Zhu (朱克和教授)
There are many well-studied algebras of analytic functions, such as H^\infty and the disc algebra. But these classical algebras of analytic functions are just Banach algebras, not C*-algebras, mostly because the usual complex conjugation is not well defined on them. In this talk, I will introduce an example of a C*-algebra of entire functions on the complex plane, with “multiplication” and “conjugation” defined in a non-traditional way. This algebra sits inside the Fock space.
朱克和,美国纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校终身教授。长期从事函数论、泛函分析等方面的研究工作,已在Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., Amer. J. Math., J. Funct. Anal.等国际权威学术杂志上发表论文一百多篇,出版专著7本。
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